DWG is an industrial solution partner. We firmly believe that technology has the power to make people’s lives better. Technology has the potential to make the world more efficient, safer and more sustainable. For example, it can accelerate processes, reduce maintenance and rework costs, securely protect data and also be deployed for many other uses. All that technology needs to make the future look a lot brighter is a dedicated expert who knows how to choose and apply the right technologies.
You can read more about our Business Development projects on this page. We also explain to you why we believe that we are inventive and look beyond the beaten track, and analyse how this can contribute to achieving your goals.
But first we will examine AI in more detail!
Learning to recognise input
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a generic name for making computers smart enough to perform complex tasks that currently still require human knowledge and skills. Computers are capable of performing specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognising patterns in the data. In this case, the computer needed to recognise text on railway wagons or ADR hazard labels on trucks.
The application
The technology used to recognise text until now only works when the text is rectilinear. Specifically black letters on a white background, as in a book or letter. This is not at all the situation we find on railway wagons and trucks. DWG has come up with a solution that also recognises this anomalous input.
We now have the data... so what are we going to do with it?
After recognising the input, DWG succeeded in integrally coupling this data with the customer’s existing systems. What is the benefit of all this? One very key benefit is that the input can be fed into the systems automatically instead of manually.