The goal for the Netherlands is to have a sustainable energy and raw materials system by 2050. Hydrogen is a key type of energy carrier. Hydrogen is already widely used in the Netherlands (as a raw material) in processes to make products. Hydrogen can also be used as a storage and transport medium for sustainably generated energy. And this is what makes hydrogen such an interesting topic for DWG. We see a close match with our knowledge and expertise in the field of storing and transhipping traditional liquid products.
Opportunities for hydrogen
Hydrogen can be used in many ways.
- As a raw material for chemical products, such as ammonia or methanol;
- As a fuel for industrial processes that require a high heat input. For example, the steel and paper sectors.
- As an emission-free fuel for cars and heavy transport (trucks, buses and ships). The use of hydrogen in mobility helps improve air quality;
- To generate electricity when solar or wind power is scarce. This can be done by converting stored hydrogen gas back into electricity. This concept is known as controlled power-to-X-to-power;
- For buildings and districts that are difficult to heat electrically or with heat networks. This applies mostly to old buildings in historic city centres and to villages in outlying areas.
How does DWG see its role in relation to hydrogen?
For DWG, hydrogen is simply an alternative product that can be used to transport energy. So what DWG can contribute in the hydrogen transition can be summed up very succinctly! In our view, hydrogen that can be transported by traditional methods used for liquids is a good development and a sustainable alternative to current energy carriers such as oil and gas. Okay, understood – what else? Well, it just so happens that we excel in process automation in relation to storing, transferring, processing and pumping liquids and gases!
As a system integrator++, DWG can provide excellent support for integrating systems and automating industrial processes. If you want to learn more about the implications in relation to hydrogen, just come to us for the answers.

The next level
The government sets goals under the climate agreement. We are not going to go into detail here because if you are reading this, you are probably fully aware that the goals are ambitious and that there is high interest in this topic. DWG is an organisation that constantly focuses on the world of tomorrow. We completely understand the reasons for stimulating the use of hydrogen. But we also know that using hydrogen can lead to challenging issues in your production environment. We invite you to discuss the topic with us: the chances are that we can help you achieve ‘the next level’. We keep up to date with all the developments relating to hydrogen & automation and are happy to share our knowledge.
The ++ stands for IT & Innovation, and Process Automation.